What is life about?
Possessions Having recently lost my last parent, the experience of clearing a lifetime of accumulated things (clothes, odds and ends like Christmas cracker contents, as well as pills, glasses and photographs etc) it makes one think about what is important in life. Whatever you believe happens after death, the truth is that we leave this […]
Read MoreMore Wardrobe Lessons
Since I have been preparing about 600 pieces for my “Sale Of The Century”, I’ve reflected on a few things which are worth sharing. Washing Lots of these clothes washed up well and when taken off the line, didn’t need ironing. (TIP: When choosing something, be aware of the material. I personally avoid linen as […]
Read MoreWardrobe lessons
Not taking the easy route I recently offered to clear my late mother’s clothes. It was a joyful experience, as I had time to remember her in some of the clothes that I had seen her wear, and to reflect on a long and fortunate life. She enjoyed shopping for new things and using them. […]
Read MoreWould you like to host a Card Party?
Are you looking for a good excuse to have some friends round again for an enjoyable evening? Why not host a free Confidence with Colour & Style Cards party? Far more fun than the traditional kitchen-equipment party, and much less embarrassing than the ‘bedroom accessories’ party, a YC&S Cards party is a great reason to […]
Read MoreBra shopping
I don’t know about you but buying a new bra can be very daunting! Previous disasters Have you, like me, spent lots of money in the past not being properly fitted and realised, when you have taken the tags off, that it’s not really what you wanted? Well, it’s no wonder. There’s so much choice […]
Read MoreWardrobe clear-out? What to do with the rejects!
It’s good to sort out your wardrobe from time to time. Whether your circumstances have changed, or just your taste, sometimes we’re all guilty of hanging on to clothes that we just don’t wear any more. But with sustainable fashion such a talking point at the moment, and some well-known brands under fire for selling […]
Read MoreHelp to choose glasses that flatter
I don’t know about you, but I dread it when the optician tells me my prescription has changed and I’ll need new glasses. It’s not the glasses themselves, it’s the pressure of having to choose the new frames! Invariably, your old style is no longer in stock, and you have to choose something new. What […]
Read MoreGoing Grey … Gracefully? Lynne’s story
Our natural colour I always admired others who had dark locks, as I thought their hair stood out. Mine, on the other hand (being “mousey”), I felt was “something and nothing”. (We are never happy with what we have, are we!) However, when I reached the 40 mark, I realised that I was lucky, as […]
Read MoreIgnorance is bliss!
I have met lots of people who have no idea what colours to wear to enhance their look. Of course, ignorance is bliss – they can wear everything in their wardrobe without worry! But, do they … wear everything in their wardrobe? Or, do they reach for their few favourites? Or, have they examined any […]
Read MoreNew Year, New Hopes
New hopes and resolutions As we turn our attention to new hopes and resolutions now a new year begins, have you set any goals that involve a new career or career change, or maybe getting your first professional role, or perhaps you’re thinking of retiring this year? Different life goals Maybe you’re thinking about a […]
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