The route to your perfect wardrobe
In my experience, most people have a wardrobe full of clothes, yet claim they have nothing to wear! I can help you change that, by creating a streamlined wardrobe of items that will work for you and that you will love, ensuring that you look good and feel great no matter what you are dressing for.
Building your perfect wardrobe contents takes time and may change as you age and your circumstances change.
Capsule wardrobe
You can build one or more "capsule wardrobes": the minimum essentials required (eg for work or a hobby). Each item co-ordinates with others and is used to the maximum, proving its value beyond cost.
Wardrobe review
Your wardrobe review can:
- check colours and styles are right for you;
- offer new ways to use your clothes and accessories to create new looks;
- declutter items that aren't serving you so well any more;
- suggest alterations, repairs, or recycling options;
- improve the organisation and care of your items; and
- identify the priorities for your next shopping activity.
I will not judge you because of where you shop. And, I'm a hoarder, so I will forgive you for that. I realise clothes can be sentimental and remind you of moments when you had happy or sad emotions. I will be sympathetic with you. I work with you to help you move towards your best look, but I know this is not a one-hit wonder: it is an on-going process – as you evolve so must your wardrobe.
Annual wardrobe review/shopping
To keep your wardrobe current and appropriate for you and your life, an annual wardrobe review and/or shopping trip is advised.
You learn something each time we are together, so you become self-sufficient, but some clients still like to have my ongoing, impartial support.
Getting dressed will become an enjoyable experience.