Our natural colour
I always admired others who had dark locks, as I thought their hair stood out. Mine, on the other hand (being “mousey”), I felt was “something and nothing”. (We are never happy with what we have, are we!) However, when I reached the 40 mark, I realised that I was lucky, as any grey I might have was better hidden, and some I knew were paying quite a lot more at the hairdressers to have theirs coloured.
As we age
So, it’s a problem we will all face, actually, whether our hair is fair or dark, and it is a question that crops up a lot with my clients – shall I just go grey gracefully (as many were forced to do during lockdowns) or what?
What I say to my clients is that Mother Nature isn’t cruel, and we will go a grey that suits our natural skin pigmentation, be that a “warm grey” or “cool grey”, so leaving your fate to nature isn’t a bad option. It is, of course, all about how you feel about it and of course adjusting our self perception when we look in the mirror.
Why I created the “Confidence With Colour & Style Cards”
But, I wanted to write this blog to highlight another issue which was brought to my attention again recently, and is exactly why I created the “Confidence with Colour & Style cards”.
Lynne’s story
Lynne recently acquired her “Summer” box, and told me that she had read through them all, enjoying being reminded of her colour analysis experience, which had been a few years ago, and how some of the messages in there had been given to her at the time (although she couldn’t remember what jewellery colour suited her). I know there is a lot of information that is given at a colour-analysis session, and that it is hard for most people to remember it all, which is exactly why I created these boxes of cards. However, there is also more in the boxes than most people will be told at their colour analysis session, as it is meant to help people go beyond their initial experience, and give them some more things to consider, especially for those that take a while to go back to their image professional for more.
Now Lynne was currently in the hairdresser’s and texted for advice on hair colour, as she thought she had been told to avoid “ash blonde”, at all costs, so usually went for a warmer colour each time since her colour analysis. Funnily enough, hair colour isn’t covered in the Cards “Starter Set”, but I advised that Ash Blonde was in fact a good choice for her as a Summer, and although she had already chosen today’s colour by the time I had replied (an hour later), she had decided to go away from the usual warm tones. As soon as Lynne got home, she reported her first compliment: “It makes you look younger.” Boom!
The moral of the story is that had Lynne not looked at her new box of cards, which is a new item available for clients who have had some input from a stylist, she might not have thought to question her hair colour. Somehow she had got the wrong end of the stick all those years ago – which of course can happen when communication is involved – and wasn’t reaping the full benefit of having had a consultation with an image professional. This too is the point, that she did not go back regularly to her consultant, or they might have been able to correct that misunderstanding sooner.
So, ladies and gents, hair colour is important to looking your best, and you do need to know what colours suit you if you are paying to have some colour added. Of course, some hairdressers are good at advising but not all give advice and leave it to you to choose.
Read my tips for aging skin here.
If you would like to know what suits you and why, please get in touch!
Your Colour & Style Consultant
07469 246722