We all learned something from the lockdowns and challenges of 2020. For many, one lesson was self care (as well as looking after those we love). Some of us had time to create some new habits around looking after our own well-being, so that we are better able to look after others. The saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty jug. And they do tell us to put our own oxygen mask on first before attending to others if you need to on a plane!
1. Exfoliation
I have been working with the lovely Lynne Henderson of Natural Skin again and she was emphasising the importance of looking after your skin. One of the things she most advocates is exfoliating (taking away the natural layer of “dead” skin cells, as our body is constantly renewing them).
So I’m going to exfoliate more regularly. It's a Sunday task, as I usually have some me-time then, but I have to confess I don’t do it every week. Having spoken to Lynne, and seen how lovely her skin is, I am going to prioritise this and ensure that I do it every Sunday without fail. Let’s be honest, it’s only a five minute task, so if I can’t prioritise that once a week, you have to wonder what else you think is more important!
2. Throwing out old make-up
The second, important thing I’m going to be doing is throwing out old make-up. Up to now I have been lucky not to have any issues and am merrily using mascaras that I have had for years, not just months! When Lynne mentioned Lash Lice, that I’d not even heard of, I thought it was time to change! Apparently once you get them it's really difficult to deal with them! Here's a worrying read.
Of course I’ve known that you should only use mascara for three months after you’ve opened it and used it but now I know why! There are lots of bacteria naturally living in our bodily fluid (that's eyes as well) so I’m not going to be chancing it any more for the sake of the cost of a new mascara.
3. Hydration
The third thing I need to resolve to do better is hydrating myself with water. I have moved to decaf tea and coffee but I think most people could drink more water to help their body function better. Lynne told me that our body is made up of 60% water or fluid, so, I think I need to give it a hand to refresh the supply, where I am lucky enough to be able to.
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