The change in weather means only one thing … your warmer clothes need to come out again!
But, what if when you try them on they are a bit tight? What are your options?
- Buy new bigger sizes?
- Try to slim into them (eat less / exercise more)?
- Have your favourites altered?
Buying new
Have you noticed how some clothes make you look slimmer and some really don’t flatter? If you struggle to get the flattering ones all the time, please contact me to discuss how to nail this every time. (I really do make shopping easier; here’s one example of how!)
Of course, you may not want to spend a lot of money on new clothes if you think your increased size is going to be temporary, so you might like to shop in charity shops or online (Ebay, Vinted etc). You can find some absolute treasures there, and I help people find them there as well as brand new in shops. (I have some tips on ‘recycling’ clothes here, too).
How realistic is this with Christmas on the horizon? Well, if you are determined it could be the answer. You can certainly feel excess through your clothes. You don’t have to watch the scales!
This might be your last resort, and not one that people generally think about. If you find a good dressmaker, they can work wonders with your favourite (or expensive) pieces. If you need inspiration about what can be done with something, please get in touch. Although I am not a dressmaker myself, I do have ideas that you might not. Plus I can input what will suit you from a body shape and clothing personality point of view, not just from the colour perspective. Worth a conversation before you let go of something and regret it later.
Letting go
Of course, you could let go of something either for free or to sell on. If you loved something, my advice before you do this is to at least take a photo of it, so you can recreate something in future if you ever want another one, and you can have it in a different material, colour, etc if you have it made.
If you want any help with your wardrobe, please contact me. It may surprise you what I can suggest, and what compliments are waiting for you.
A final thought but we tend to see more static in our hair and clothes at this time of year, too. If you want to read my tips on how to help prevent this, try this article.
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