I met Carole earlier in 2020, when she'd just started her business as a 'Virtual Office Manager'. She seemed lovely (just the type of person who I'd love to work with). I kept meeting her at different events throughout the year. She saw one of my posts, which prompted a conversation about colour analysis, and you can read Carole's story about what happened from her perspective over on her website:
I was really delighted to help Carole examine her wardrobe in a new light. She now knows she needs light, 'warm' and bright colours to light her up and make her look younger and healthier. She's happier in her clothes too, and enjoying quite a lot of compliments from what she tells me! Funnily enough, she already had some great pieces in her wardrobe to work with, and can now be more confident to wear them.
What do you think?
Carole's "before" photo, wearing darker colours she now knows to avoid.
Carole's "after" photo: with blue and pink already in her wardrobe.
Carole's colour analysis was conducted in September using the 'remote' process I devised during the Coronavirus 'lockdown' in March. My process is to post a goody bag of essentials to my client. When they receive it, a two hour Zoom call is set up. After that a one hour meeting is held at the client's home to finish off the process when allowed, and it can be safely conducted. The process includes information about the make-up and clothes you already own, and a wallet of 30 colours to represent your "season", if the process can be concluded this way. (I cannot guarantee it will work over the internet as there are some variables like lighting and screen colours. If I cannot be sure of the result I will tell you and we can make alternative arrangements, or you can have your money back.)
If you would be interested to find out how £150 investment in yourself can improve your life, please contact me on the number below. I look forward to your call or email!
Your Colour & Style Consultant
07469 246722 / fiona.yourcolourandstyle@gmail.com
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